Department of Botany
(DST-FIST Sponsored Department)
S.V. University, Tirupati - 517 502
(DST-FIST Sponsored Department)
S.V. University, Tirupati - 517 502
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Publications during the period 2002-2007
- Swapna Sree, D. and Sreeramulu, A. (2002). Inhibitory effects of plant extracts on the Management of Bacterial leaf spot pathogen. (Xanthomonas axonopodis Vesicatoria). Infecting Capsicum fruitescems L. Journal of Natural Remedies, 2 : 194-198.
- Swaspna Sree, D, and Sreeramulu, A. (2002). Host range studies of Xanthomonas axonopodis, Vesicatora the pathogen of Bacterial leaf spot of chillies, Indian Phytopathology 55 : 492-493.
- Bavaji, M. and Sreeramulu, A.( 2002). Changes in some biochemical constituents in Alternaria alternata infected sesame leaves, Geobios. 29 : 275-276.
- Savithramma, N., S.K.M. Basha and Rao, K.N.(2002). Ethnobotonical wealth of Sriharikota Island of Nellore District, A.P in Cultural Ecology of Indian Tribes, /Eds. K.Viswanatha Reddy, Raj Publication, New Delhi, Indian, pp. 200-235.
- Sulochana, Ch., Rao, T.J.V.S. and Savithramma, N. (2002). Effect of Ca2+ in amelioration of water stress through CaM and scavenging enzymes in groundnut. I.J. Plant Physiol 7: 152-158.
- Ramamurthy, N and Savithramma, N. (2002). In-vitro regeneration of medicinal plant Cassia alata L. through axillary bud. I.J. Plant Biology, 29 : 221-224.
- Sulochana, Ch. and Savithramma,N (2002). Influence of CaM amelioration of water stress through CaM, Calcium and protease activity during seedling growth of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) cultivars. Plant Archives, 2 : 309-315.
- Sulochana, Ch. and Savithramma, N (2002). Interaction effect of calcium and PEG induced water stress on changes in CaM, Ca2+ and protein and proteage activity in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) cultivars during seedling growth.
- Savithramma, N., Rao, K.N. and Ramamurthy, N. (2002). Phytodiversity, monitoring and conservation strategies of rare, endemic, endangered and medicinal plant sps. of Seshachalam hill range of South Eastern Ghats. In Biodiversity. Eds R. Ramamurthy and Geetha Bali, Biodiversity, A.P.H. Publishing corporation, New Delhi, 29-46.
- Savithramma, N. (2002). Influence of calcium supply on Biomass production of endemic and endangered tree species of Tirumala hills of South Eastern Ghats. I.J. Botanical Society, 81: 323-326.
- Sudarsanam, G. Balaji Rao, N.S. and Krishnaiah, P. (2002). Biodiversity Monitoring, Conservation of Sacred Tirumala Hills, South Eastern Ghats. 196-208. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats. Ed. Published by EPTRI, Hyderabad.
- Sudarsanam,G. Venkataramaiah, V and Krishnaiah, P. (2002). Intensive forest fire management on Tirumala Hills. Indian Forester (3) 608-618
- Ramamurthi, R. and Sudarsanam G . (2002). Physiographic and biological aspects of Eastern Ghats and biodiversity monitoring in South Eastern Ghats 1-14. In “Biodiversity” ( Monitoring, Management, Conservation and Enhancement) Edited by Ramamurthi, R. & Geetha Bali, New Delhi
- Mahadevan, K. Lalitha, M, Murthy, M.S.R and Sudarsanam, G. 2002 Forest conservation through community participation: A case study. 103-118 in “Expeditious Empowerment of Women through Innovative strategies in A.P., New Model of development” Edited by K.Mahadevan,:BRPC, New Delhi
- Yasodamma, N. and Prasada Babu, G. 2002. Conservation of Folklore medicinal practices of Seshachalam range of Eastern Ghats. Abstract of National Seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats, 24-26, March, 2002.
- Y.S. Rao, K. Mary Mathew, K. Pradip Kumar, R. Lakshmanan, J. Sree Rama Murthy, K. Madhusoodanan 2002. Vanilla wightiana Lindl. A gene bowl for breeding programs of Vanilla. Indian J. of Arecanut species and Medicinal plants. Vol 4 (3): 117-119.
- Mehar, S.K., U. Purohit and S. Sundaramoorthy 2002. Microbial biomass dynamics as affected by moisture and added litter content. Indian Journal of Environmental Science 6: 27-34.
- Purohit, U., S.K. Mehar and S. Sundaramoorthy 2002. Role of Prosopis cineraria on the ecology of soil fungi in Indian desert. Journal of Arid Environment 52: 17-27.
- Mehar, S.K., U. Purohit and S. Sundaramoorthy 2002. Prosopis cinerariai and Acacia nilotica their effect on the undercanopy crop seedlings and soil. Journal of Tree Science 21: 64-69.
- Mehar, S.K., U. Purohit and S. Sundaramoorthy 2002. Spatial and temporal variation in microbial biomass and soil C, N and P in Acacia based agroforestry system in Indian arid zone. Journal of Indian Botanical Society. 81: 273-282.
2003 - Arifullah, Md. and Rama Gopal, G: Some aspects of reproductive biology of a parasitic flowering plant, Dendrophthoe falcata (Linn. F.) Ettings, J. of Palynology, 39, 93-100, 2003.
- Savithramma, N (2003) Threat to indigenous species of Tirumala hills of Eastern Ghats. EPTRI-ENVIS, News letter 9(2):2-3.
- Sulochana, Ch. and Savithramma, N. (2003). Effects of calcium on acid phosphates activity in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seedlings during water stress. I. J. of Plant Physiology, 8 : 186-188.
- Ramamurthy, N and Savithramma,N (2003). Shoot bud regeneration from leaf explants of Albizzia amara Boiv. – an important medicinal plant, I.J of plant Physiology, 8 : 372-376.
- Savithramma, N (2003). Influence of calcium supply on biomass production in endemic and endangered tree species of tropical forests of South Eastern Ghats. Journal of Tropical Forestry 19 : 35-40.
- Jayanand, B, Sudarsanam, G and Kiran K. Sharma (2003). An efficient protocol for the regeneration of whole plants of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) by using axillary meristem explants derived from in vitro germinated seedlings. In-vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant 39: 171-179.
- Mehar, S. K., U. Purohit and S. Sundaramoorthy 2003. Microbial biomass and soil C, N and P in Acacia nilotica sub. Cupressiformis based traditional agroforestry systems in Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Agroforestry 5: 65-74.
- Mehar, S. K., U. Purohit and S. Sundaramoorthy 2003. Microbial and soil C, N and P in Prosopis cineraria and Acacia nilotica based agroforestry systems. In: Human Impact on Desert Environment, (eds.) Narain, P., Kathju, S., Kar, A., Singh, M.P. and Praveen Kumar, Arid Zone Research Association of India and Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur 437-449 pp.
BOOKS - Savithramma, N : Diversity of Phanerogams of S.V.U Campus – 2003.
2004 - Swapna Sree, D. and A. Sreeramulu, (2004). Evaluation of some medicinal plants extracts against Eligma narcissus leaf skeletonizar of Ailanthus Excels. Indian Journal of Entomology. 25: 101-104
- Hussain, T. Md., Chandrasekhar, T. Arifullah and Rama Gopal G. (2004). Effect of Benzyl adenine and thidiazuron on in vitro shoot formation from cotyledonary nodes of Tamarindus indica, Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 4: 47-52.
- Saleem Basha, S., Hussain, T.Md., Arifullah, Md. and Rama Gopal G.(2004). Pollen analysis of squeezed honey in the forest environs of Tirupati, Chittoor, Dt., Andhra Pradesh. Advances in Pollen Spore Research , XXII: 183-193.
- Surya Prakash Raju, N.C, Arifullah, Md., and Rama Gopal, G. (2004). Pollen Biology of some weed plants. Advances in Pollen Spore research, XXII: 225-231.
- Savithrmma, N (2004). Influence of amended Calcium and Calmodulin contents in endemic and endangered tree saplings of Seshachalam hills of South Eastern Ghats of India. In National seminar on Physiological Interventions for improved crop. productivity and quality, Opportunities and constrains 12-14, December 2003, Proceedings of National Seminar, 113-118.
- Ramamurthy, N and Savithramma, N (2004). Syzygium alternifolium-an endemic and medicinal plant of Tirumala hills. Non-Wood-News, 11:37.
- Savithramma N (2004). Influence of Calcium supply on Photosynthetic rate in relation to calmodulin in endemic and endangered tree saplings of Seshachalam hills of South Eastern Ghats of India, I.J plant Boil, 31 : 1-6.
- Sulochana. Ch, and Savithramma, N. (2004). Calcium chloride on the status of calcium and CaBP’s during seeding growth of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Cultivars. Peanut Science, 31(1): 1-6 (Impact factor l)
- Savithramma, N (2004). Diversity and conservation of medicinal plants of Seshahalam hills range of Andhra Pradesh, India in Bulletin of the Botanical Society of India Eds., The Director Botanical Survey of India, Pub. By ISI publications A.P.C Road Kolkata, India, 46 : 438-453.
2005 - Arifullah.Md., Kishore Kumar, Ch., Uma Maheswari, T., and Rama Gopal, G. (2005). Galls of Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F) by Baris spp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Insect Environment, 11: 107-108.
- Savithramma, N. (2005). Endemic and Endangered medicinal plants of Eastern Ghats of India. In the proceedings of Regional Seminar on Phytoremediation the process from Green to clean. Published by PVKN Govt. College, Chittoor, 29-38.
- Savithramma, N. (2005). Orchids of Talakona-a Sacred Grove of Eastern Ghats EPTRI-ENVIS New letter 11 : 5-8.
- Bhaskara Rao, U.V.U. G. Sudarsanam and Muralidhar Rao, D. (2005). Non-timber forest resources information from Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, India, International Journal of Forest Usuf. Mngt., 6 : 11-22.
- Sundaramoorthy, S., S.K. Mehar, U. Purohit, M. Nagarajan 2005. Agroforestry in Indian desert: Soil biology and fertility perspective. In: Soil Biodiversity, Ecological Processes and Land Management. (eds.) Ramakrishnan, P.S., Saxena K.G., Swift, M.J., Rao, K.S. and Maikhuri, R.K., Oxford and IBH Publication, New Delhi, 139-147 pp.
2006 - Ratnakumar, P., Rajendrudu, G and Swamy, P.M. (2006). Interactive effects of elevated CO2 and salanity stress on antioxidative systems in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) J. Plant Biology 33 : 121-125.
- Mallikarjuna, K. and Rajendrudu, G. (2006). High frequency in vitro propagation of Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. from the nodal buds of mature tree. Biologia Plantarum 51 : 525-529.
- Rajendrudu, G and Janardhan Reddy, K (Editors) – 2006. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry – Text Book for M.Sc Botany, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad.
- Rajendrudu, G and Janardhan Reddy, K (Editors) – 2006. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry – Laboratory Manual for M.Sc Botany, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad.
- Chandrasekhar, T., Hussain, T.Md., Rao, J.V.S and Rama Gopal, G (2006). Somatic embryogenesis of Tylophora Indica (Burm.F) Merril, an important medicinal plant. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 4 : 33-40.
- Gayathri, D. & Rama Gopal, G. (2006). Studies on the use of a simple medium in tissue culture experiments, 28-34. In Recent Trends in Pl. Science. Edited by T.Pullaiah & Rama Swamy, N. Regency Publications.
- Savithramma, N (2006). Boswallia ovalifoliolata Bal.& Henry. Non-wood-News, 13,41.
- Savithramma, N and Sudarsanamma A. (2006). Endemic medicinal plants from central part of Eastern Ghats of India. International Journal Bioscan 1 : 51-54
- Savithramma N and Ramamurthy, N.(2006). In vitro propagation of Syzygium alternifoliufm an Endemic tree. Emerging trend in plant Biotechnology Proceedings, 29-32.
- Vijaya. T., Savithramma N., Swamy P.M (2006). Enhanced growth of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba water Vermicompost application in field conditions. Indian Journal of Botanical Society, 85: 78-81.
- Muralidhar Rao, D., Bhaskara Rao, U.V.U. and G. Sudarsanam (2006). Ethno-Medico Botanical studies from Rayalaseema Region of Southern Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh, India, Ethnobotanical Leaflets, International Web Journal Web address: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale / Ethnobotanical leaflets / URL: or Copyright © 2006, Board of Trustees, Southern Illinois University, USA.
- Madhava Chetty, K., K. Sivaji, G. Sudarsanam, P. Hindu Sekar (2006). Pharmaceutical studies and therapeutic uses of Plumbago zeylanica L. Roots (chitraka, chitramulamu) Ethnobotanical Leaflets, International Web Journal Web address: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale / Ethnobotanical leaflets /URL: Copyright © 2006, Board of Trustees, Southern Illinois University, USA.
- Muralidhar Rao, D., G. Sudarsanam and Bhaskara Rao, U.V.U. (2006). Ethno-Botanical Survey on Herbal Cosmetic Plants in Southern Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh, India International Journal of Forest Usuf. Mngt. 7 : 84-87.
- M. Reddy, G. Reddy, T. Vijaya and A. Reddy 2006. Cloning characterization and functional analysis of rice cycloephitin, NCBI USA, Nucleotide DQ 480737
- T. Vijaya and A. Sandya 2006. Response of Withania somnifera to P and VAM fungi. Asian J. of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences. Vol 8 (2): 335-337.
BOOKS: - Rama Gopal, G. (2006). A Text Book of plant Physiology for M.Sc. students: Co-author, Ambedkar, A.P Open University, Hyderabad.
- Rama Gopal, G. (2006). Practical Manual in Plant Physiology for M.Sc., Co-author, Ambedkar, A.P Open University, Hyderabad.
- Savithramma, N. (2006). Important Medicinal plants of Tirupati.
- Sudarsanam, G. (2006) "Red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.) A sacred gem of South eastern ghats of India"
2007 - Hussain, T. Md., Chandrasekhar, T. and Rama Gopal G. (2007). High frequency shoot regeneration of Sterculia urence Roxb. En endangered tree species through cotyledonary node cultures. African J. of Biotechnology. 6: 1643-49.
- Savithramma, N., Sulochana. Ch, and Rao, K.N. ( 2007). Ethnobotanical Survey of plants used to treat Asthma in Andhra Pradesh, India. J. Ethnopharmacology, 113 : 54-61.
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